5 Things to Do in Your Yard to Reduce Ant Issues

If you have an ant infestation in your home, you may be surprised to learn that ants usually build colonies outside of a house and venture in to find food. Carpenter ants are an exception to this, as they will sometimes set up satellite colonies in your home near a moisture source. But even carpenter ants usually have their main colony outside. Once you know that ant colonies are mostly located outside your home, you can start treating your yard to prevent ant invasions. 

Get Rid of Places for Ants to Build Colonies

Most ants have the main colony and several smaller satellite colonies. They may build their colonies beneath low brush such as ivy or under piles of wood, bricks, and stones. Keeping your yard tidy by trimming your greenery and removing any debris is a good way to prevent ant colonies and to find colonies if you already have a problem. If you find a colony, talk with a professional before using insecticides. Many types of insecticides scatter colonies, forcing ants to form multiple, smaller colonies. 

Keep Aphids Under Control

Several types of ants have a symbiotic relationship with aphids. The ants protect the aphids from predators and occasional fungal infections while the aphids provide a sweet excretion for the ants. If you keep aphids out of your yard, you are less likely to draw the interest of ants. You should avoid planting plants that attract aphids such as roses, mustards, and nasturtiums. At the same time, you can plant aphid-repelling plants such as catnip, garlic, and chives. While getting rid of aphids may not deter an established colony in your yard, it can discourage ants from building a new colony. 

Seal Your Home 

Ants often enter the home through tiny cracks or holes. Making sure the exterior of your house is properly sealed can help keep ants outside. You should regularly check for cracks and holes and seal any you find as soon as possible. If you start to notice ants in your home, you can follow them to find out where they are entering. However, you might want to talk to a professional about potentially baiting any colonies before sealing active paths. 

Work With Your Neighbors 

Ants can cover a surprising distance to find food. This is especially true when ants set up satellite colonies. Sometimes the ants sneaking into your home can live on your neighbor's property. Because of this, it's best if neighbors can work together to completely eradicate their ant problem at once instead of each homeowner dealing with their ants separately. Additionally, if you and your neighbors maintain your yards in a way that is not attractive ants, it can lower the chances of you getting ant issues. 

Call an Expert 

If you think you have an ant issue, it's a good idea to call an ant pest control service as soon as possible. Dealing with issues early can prevent ants from building more colonies and establishing a home in your yard. Even if colonies have already started forming, pest control services can find out how to quickly eradicate your issue. They can also assess your yard to help you identify problematic areas and determine ways to fix them. 

Once you have an ant problem, calling a professional is often a better choice than trying to get rid of the ants on your own. Professionals can identify the type of ants, where they are located, and the best ways to deal with your specific problems. However, if you don't have an infestation yet, simply keeping your yard clear of debris and free of aphids can prevent any problems from arising. 

To learn more about controlling ants, contact a company like Good News Pest Solutions.
